Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Post-Partum Health and Healing
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is essential for a new mother to rest, recuperate and receive nourishment during the first month after giving birth. This is necessary to give a women's body time to recover and re-balance. Pregnancy and childbirth places a huge strain on the body as it uses up Qi (energy) and blood. Chinese medicine holds the theory that depletion of the body’s essential resources of Qi and blood can result in postpartum depression, low milk supply, fatigue and insomnia after birth.
Post Partum TCM deficiencies and associated symptoms:
Yin and Blood deficiency:
Constipation, insomnia, depression, hormonal imbalance, night sweating, hair loss, dizziness.
Qi and Blood deficiency:
Poor production of breast milk, Low appetite, Fatigue, Indigestion, frequent urination, incontinence
Pathogenic cold resulting in Blood stasis:
Abdominal pain, severe depression, incontinence and retaining lochia.
Traditional Chinese medicine treatments, including acupuncture, moxibustion and herbs, can greatly help with the healing of a woman's body after birth. It can assist with:
Hormonal Imbalance
Postpartum depression
Baby blues
Night Sweats
Decreased Energy
Persistent Bleeding
Recovery from C-section or traumatic birth
Moxibustion has amazing warming properties and enhances circulation. It involves the use of the chinese herb mugwort which is burned and then used to heat up specific acupuncture points on the body. These points primarily lie on the lower abdomen and the lower back.
Herbs are best prescribed by a qualified TCM practitioner. They can help a women's body to regain the balance of Qi and blood at a pace that compliments their body's constitution.
Sheng Hua Tang is available to order in our Clinics.
Acupuncture is ideally given once a week beginning from 2 weeks postpartum for a total of 3 - 6 weeks to restore balance (hormonal, circulatory, respiratory, digestive), to promote stamina and aid with efficient recovery.