We treat pain at the root cause to facilitate long term healing.
Chinese medicine treatments for the alleviation of pain include acupuncture, acupressure (therapeutic Massage) cupping and may include taking Chinese herbal medicines.
The WHO recognises the therapeutic affect of acupuncture for;
Musculo-skeletal Disorders – Muscle pain, swelling, stiffness and weakness; Localized traumatic injuries, sprains, strains, tendonitis, contractures; Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Work and sports related injuries, Low back pain, Osteoarthritis, “Frozen shoulder”, “tennis elbow”, Sciatica
We often combine acupuncture treatments with acupressure massage, cupping or moxibustion to achieve best results. We may also recommend herbal remedies that can be beneficial.
How Can Acupuncture Help with Pain?
Regulates pain pathways
Acupuncture stimulates neural activity to desensitize pain signals
Releases endorphins
Stimulates the nervous system to release the body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals
Improves circulation
Increases blood flow to rehabilitate muscles, joints, ligaments, bones, and nerves
​The Causes of Back & Shoulder Pain According to Traditional Chinese Medicine:
Stagnation of Qi and Blood – this is caused by contusions, sprains, or other trauma to the lumbar region leading to meridian Qi and Blood stasis.
Exposure to Cold-Damp – this refers to environmental exposure to cold and damp places or living conditions, over a prolonged period of time, leading to an accumulation of these qualities with the body. The result is a blockage or impaired circulation of qi and blood through the meridians from pathogenic cold-damp.
Exposure to Heat-Damp – this occurs from environmental exposure to damp-heat or the accumulation of heat-damp internally, causing blockage of the meridians.
Poor Diet & Lifestyle – often consisting of eating raw, sweet, and fatty foods, bad posture, lack of exercise, which increase the damp quality of the body.
When it comes to acupuncture treatments, it is important to choose a skilled and qualified practitioner with the knowledge and experience to achieve optimal results. Book with us today in the knowledge that you are in the best of hands.