Traditional Chinese Medicine’s deep insight and expertise on energy are what make it a profoundly accurate and effective healing system.

Everything Is Energy
There are many aspects to Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), including Yin/Yang theory and the five element theory but It is impossible to say anything about traditional Chinese medicine without talking about Qi (chee). This is the energy or life force within you and all around you. It is this energy which is utilised in traditional Chinese medicine treatments.
Everything is energy. We know this from discoveries in modern physics. When you break solid matter down into smaller and smaller portions, there is nothing solid or physical about it at all—it’s just invisible energy. So the basic “building block” of everything in nature and the universe, including our own bodies, is energy.
This is at the heart of TCM. With thousands of years of direct observation and deep experiential knowledge, this holistic medicine has a complete understanding of energy and how it moves and functions in the body and throughout nature. Traditional Chinese Medicine’s deep insight and expertise on energy are what make it a profoundly accurate and effective healing system.
For a better understanding of how important Qi is we can look to nature. We can observe how the rise and ebb of the tide keeps perfect pace with the Lunar cycle. How trees know when to sprout or shed their leaves and how your body adjusts to its own internal rhythms as the seasons change from winter to spring.
Qi allows all things to communicate with each other and change at both visible and invisible levels. It is Qi which carries infinite messages and pieces of information, connecting all things. One could say that the power of Qi needs the intelligence of Qi to give it direction and focus.
Chinese medicine treatments include acupuncture, acupressure, cupping, moxibustion, heat therapy and herbal remedies.
Care Cure are Ireland's leading Traditional Chinese Medicine specialists. we offer a free consultation in all our clinics. We have clinics in The Merrion Shopping Center, Dublin 4 and 53 Georges St Lwr.
Call us now on 085-8658816 or book an appointment online